Thursday 19 June 2014

Account Integrated Assignment


Question 1
      The management of Tesco Hypermarkets has implemented internal controls to ensure the safety of its patrons/customers as well as to monitor its inventory movement. What are the limitations of internal controls that may occur within the hypermarket in the course of its daily operations? (A minimum of five discussion points are expected).  (10 marks)

Limitation of internal controls

Internal controls are steps that are taken within a certain company to ensure a more reliable and accurate financial reports. These steps are also taken to meet operational and profitability targets and transmit management policies throughout the organization. Internal controls can also ensure that the financial reports and information follows the laws and regulations of accounting. To be practical, internal controls are steps that controls activity that caused the inaccuracy of financial reports such as stealing that will cause a decrease amount of inventory without notice. Internal controls can be taken to limit those activities but not fully suppressing those activities. This happen because internal controls has its limitations. Therefore we have to identify the limitations and take necessary

Surveillance Cameras

Throughout our visit to Tesco, we noticed surveillance cameras being installed at many places around the compound. Although Tesco has some remarkable internal controls, it still has weaknesses which can be exploited. Among the internal controls implemented are the surveillance cameras. These surveillance cameras are costly to maintain and they require good care. It has blind spots which are exploitable. Other than that, it consumes quite an amount of electricity to operate. If one of the surveillance cameras were to spoil it will have a long downtime therefore exposing Tesco to potential theft. When the camera surveillance camera is down the particular area will be vulnerable to theft and the thief can escape easily.

Security Guard

At the entrance to the hypermarket there are security guards stationed. The security guards are stationed at the entrance to monitor customers and to apprehend any suspicious persons from leaving the hypermarket. This internal control is well thought of. Regardless of the internal control implemented, there are still limitations using this method. Nowadays, security guards are hired without going through proper training or having proper qualifications. Some security guards are too old to carry out their job. For example, if a young adult thieves were to be caught red handed by a security guard who is old and frail the thief would get away easily without any challenge.


Tesco is facing flaw in other methods. Tesco tried to come out with a solution to compensate for the flaws of other internal controls by coming out with more internal controls. Tesco implemented sensor tags to ensure to the customers pay for the products that they choose without stealing them. Sensor tags were placed on all items. Sensor tags are clipped onto item so that it will serve as a sensor to make sure the product is bought leaving the store. Customers who know how to undo the tag or the tag someone came out, they can get pass the security gate sensors without triggering the alarm. Using sensor tags could be a convenient way to identify stolen goods but tags are hard to be placed on smaller items as the size is not really minute. Items without tags can be stolen and kept in a bag and brought out by the thief without triggering the sensor at the exit.


Other than the sensor tag, we noticed something on our visit is that every item sold in Tesco has a barcode on the packaging. These barcodes are used to identify goods and display their price and the cashier. Barcodes are also good for providing a faster and more efficient entry or exit of goods when restocking or selling goods. Barcodes are good and convenient but it has limitations too. Barcode systems are computer based. If the file or the barcode becomes corrupted or damaged, problems will arise. Goods will have to be manually typed into the system and this will be very time consuming and troublesome.

Company Guidelines and Policies 

Staffs are employed to serve the customers. They have guidelines and policies to abide by. Supermarket operators should make known to all staff according to the company policy that any misuse or misappropriation of company assets and resources will not be tolerated. The staff and suppliers should be issued with clear guidelines on the handling of stocks, covering the procedures for ordering stock, acceptance of food/goods, distribution to chain stores, and disposal of surplus or expired stock. The levels of authority for various store control functions should be specified. Although the internal control is strict but there can be corruption within and the system will be misused.

 Disposal of stocks

Senior staffs of supermarkets should be tightly control the disposal of stock items so that the substandard of food items or goods and those that have reached the expiry date will not be sold to members of the public to ensure the safety of the customers. The supermarket should have a clear policy prohibiting staff from putting up such stocks. The disposal of stock items should follow established policies and procedures, including inspection, approval and suspension of disposal. If a “total dumping policy” is adopted a particular staff member should be assigned to make sure that all written-off items are destroyed and disposed of as waste. Disposal records should be kept and certified by the staff responsible. If a staff decides to hide the items and collaborate with the other workers they can get away with it.

 Independent stock check

Stock checks could help detect and deter malpractice in stores management. An independent checker or team could be assigned to conduct periodic stocktaking exercises whilst the warehouse supervisor should make regular surprise stock checks. An effective stocktaking mechanism should include the following safeguards. The frequency, scope and sample size of the checks should be predetermined. A master inventory record of all stock items should be compiled to facilitate stock checks. Procedures should be established to handle discrepancies identified in stock checks, including investigation and reporting to the appropriate authority. Staff at the appropriate level should be designated to approve any amendment of stores records as a result of the stock checks. If the workers decide to come out with a fake stock count amount then stock will be easily stolen.

Question 2
Understands that their success comes from being responsible and earning the trust of the customers, suppliers and stakeholders. Imagine that you are part of the senior management team of Tesco. As a responsible corporate citizen, suggest five ways through which Tesco helps the community in which it operates. (10 marks)

There are five ways which Tesco Malaysia is giving to back to the Malaysian society. Tesco Malaysia has contributed a fair amount to the community although it does not bring them much profit. The examples of these good deeds can be referred to from the official website of Tesco Malaysia (

1. Tesco has been helping children with Leukemia. Amongst the many contributions Tesco Malaysia have made to the society is that they actively support local communities by helping children with Leukemia. Over the past few years, Tesco Malaysia has launched a fundraising project to raise an amount of RM1 Million with a goal of achieving it within three years to support the cost of the treatments which the parents of these children have to bear. This is to combat the Leukemia disease which is faced by children and its death rate is increasing immensely.

2. Tesco Malaysia is also an environmentally friendly company and has been putting effort into caring for the environment. One of the major problems plaguing the environment nowadays is global warming and greenhouse effect which are harmful to the people’s health. Tesco is an eco-friendly company as they look into environmental issues and then try to resolve them. Tesco Malaysia has been giving back to the environment by planting trees (As of June 2013 Tesco had planted 30,660 trees in Malaysia), this effort has been proven to improve the quality of the air.

3. Tesco Malaysia provides nutrition labeling on its goods sold for the well-being of their customers. Tesco hypermarkets are one of the pioneers in initiating such act as it not only benefits the consumers much by giving them an insight of what they are consuming, it also gives them the right to know what the food has in it. This is done by providing information regarding the food’s nutritional value towards their health. By doing this, consumers gain by being able to avoid any food that they may be allergic to. In addition, the calories stated on the food containers benefit the consumers who are having a strict diet and trying to control their calorie intake.

4. Tesco Malaysia has been supporting local suppliers since its inception and this continuing support of local suppliers has helped the country’s growing economy. This action is certainly in line with the government’s call to promote and buy more from local suppliers.

5. Tesco Malaysia has also created more job opportunities as it continues to expand its operations in Malaysia by opening more outlets across the country. This has certainly allowed more Malaysians to have a job to feed the family and in return, lowered the employment rate in Malaysia thereby creating a more balanced economy.

Question 3
Being a limited company, Tesco is required to publish annual financial statements. Describe any five accounting concepts that have been established to guide the preparation of financial statements to ensure the objectivity and consistency of financial information. (5 marks)

Historical Concept
Historical concept is used by Tesco Malaysia to record the price of its bought inventory. Tesco Malaysia always records their inventories at their buying price/cost price. Tesco Malaysia records almost all of the assets that are bought and recorded in this concept for an easier comparison to be made when needed.

Dual Aspect Concept
To record the inflow and outflow of cash to the business Tesco Malaysia uses the Dual Aspect Concept. Every transaction is recorded in debit and credit. The transaction amount increased in of a portion in assets and expenses are in debit and decreases are in liabilities, equity and income. A portion of transaction for the increase in income, liabilities and the decrease in assets and expenses are credit. For example, when consumers purchase things from Tesco Malaysia, Tesco Malaysia will credit the purchases while cash would be debited.

Money Measurement Concept
Widely known to the accounting world, Tesco Malaysia accounts applies the money measurement concept to record its account balance and transaction which is recording every transaction that had been made in monetary term, whether it’s buying from the suppliers or selling it to the consumers. Tesco records all of the event or transaction made in monetary terms.

Considering that Tesco is a huge company, it has opened up a number of branches throughout the nation. Any lost or damage of minor goods such as pen, plastic chair or a battery will be brushed aside without any worries. However, if the value of the goods lost or damaged is highly priced like a television or fridge this will be investigated by the management and security personals as this is considered as a major event.

Accrual concept
Payments that are yet to be received or paid of a transaction are recorded by using the accrual concept. This concept is used by Tesco Malaysia to record accrued or prepaid transaction. Prepayments are being recorded as an advanced payment which the actual transaction has yet to occur. For example, If Tesco Malaysia was to have overpay a small portion of electricity bill at the end of its accounting period. An asset is recorded in records of prepayment in Statement of Financial Position. On the other hand, transactions that have taken place but payment wasn't made are accrued payments. For example, Tesco has not paid for a portion of expenses at the end of the financial year. Accrued payments are recorded as liability in Statement of Financial Position.

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